Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Dubbing into knighthood

When the squire became 21 years of age, he was dubbed a knight. But, there are certain things he must do prior to being dubbed. Before the ceremony, he prayed and fasted all night. When morning arrived, the knight-to-be took a warm shower. Then, he put on a special padded hood and pelt to prevent injuries from his armor. A page would then help him put on his armor, plate or mail. The squire would then put on a white colored tunic, that represented peace, so his armor would nto rust in rain or son. At the ceremony, he kneels before his lord and his shoulders are tapped with the flat sword and the lord would say," I dub thee Sir Knight." Thus, he was givin his sword, golden spurs, and lance. After a long journey to become knight, years of training and teaching, and plenty of endurance, the once, young page is now a full-fledged knight.

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